Kindergarten teachers typically deal with administrative tasks like creating study plans, preparing homework, managing assistants, and periodically meeting with school faculty. In the classroom setting, the kindergarten teacher will help improve students' oral language skills, as well as help develop the children's basic understanding of math, science, and appropriate social behavior. Setting time aside for parent-teacher conferences is another task that some teachers are required to manage as well.
A kindergarten teacher is usually required to design study plans that are in accordance with local educational guidelines. Part of this may include preparing homework to assign to students. Managing teacher aides is another administrative task required of most teachers, and meeting with school faculty is usually an occasional occurrence as well.
Well developed oral communication skills are common indicator of future literacy success. In the classroom, the duties of a kindergarten teacher will require that he or she work with students to enhance these skills. Most kindergarten teachers read books to their students and place emphasis on literary context. This can help with word retention, as well as help improve the children's vocabulary skills.
Kindergarten teachers also help develop mathematical skills. Cubes and number rods are commonly used to help demonstrate basic addition and subtraction problems. A teacher will sometimes use real-life situations to illustrate mathematical problems; counting balls or bean bags can give a child a hands-on experience.
Most children in a kindergarten class will typically be curious about living things and everyday objects. A kindergarten teacher can focus on this interest, encourage questions, and inform students about nature and the sciences. This may done by incorporating interactive activities and experiments in the classroom. These activities range from planting beans, observing the metamorphosis of a caterpillar, or identifying trees by their unique characteristics.
Aside from academics, a kindergarten teacher will also help improve students' social skills. By the time the student leaves kindergarten, he or she will typically understand the importance of sharing, cooperation, and communication. Problem solving skills and conflict resolution are tasks that are usually integrated into the classroom as well.
A kindergarten teacher will usually have to arrange parent-teacher conferences. In most cases, he or she will keep records of each child's academic and personal developments throughout the school year, and progress reports are then given to the parents. A kindergarten teacher will typically call the parents of a child if behavioral or academic problems arise. This can allow the teacher and parents to work together to help improve the child's performance.