A chimney inspector makes certain that a chimney is in proper working order through the process of performing an inspection. On some chimneys, the chimney inspector must check both the outside of the chimney as well as the inner flue sections of the chimney. The flue is typically a clay tile that is prone to cracking, which can result in a chimney fire. It is also the task of a chimney inspector to visually inspect the areas of a chimney that provide connections to make certain all connections to appliances and furnaces are sound and showing no signs of wear or damage.
There are typically a number of inspections that are performed on a chimney, with the correct level of inspection depending on several factors. In a level-one inspection, the chimney inspector is checking a chimney that has been in continual use by a home or building owner/occupant for several seasons. This type of inspection is not done to discover the cause of a problem, but to make certain that the chimney has not been damaged and is requiring repair. The chimney inspector will usually look inside of the chimney with a light to check for cracks and run a cleaning brush down the chimney to check for obstructions.
A level-two inspection is typically required when there is a pending home or building sale or a change has been made to the chimney. A change is often made when relining a chimney, adding an additional appliance to the chimney or if the building has suffered a fire or other type of damage. In the level-two inspection, the chimney inspector performs all of the level-one checks and adds a greater depth to the process. The inspector will enter attics, crawl spaces and other difficult-to-access areas that do not require tools to gain entrance. The inspector may also use video equipment to check the internal area of the chimney.
The level -inspection will take place when the building has encountered a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, or in case of fire. The chimney inspector will make an in-depth inspection whenever there is question concerning the structural integrity of the chimney. This inspection contains all tests of the level-one and -two inspections, while adding a more in-depth check by removing panels and structural components with tools to access the chimney. An extensive check of the entire inside area of the chimney will be conducted, with the video camera taking a look at all four sides of the inner flue.