The cervical cancer vaccine, called Gardasil or the HPV vaccine has tremendous promise in preventing infection of a few forms of human papillomavirus virus. The cervical cancer vaccine prevents infection of four types of HPV, and appears to have minor side effects. Despite its relative safety, the cervical cancer vaccine has provoked some controversy.
Some people oppose the cervical cancer vaccine because they feel it sends an inappropriate message to children that it is okay to be sexually active. Vaccinating pre-teen girls is to some, like giving information about birth control. It appears to support a behavior that in reality a family may not support. Parents are legitimately concerned about the vaccine increasing promiscuity in young girls and young women.
Other people are concerned that the cervical cancer vaccine may send another wrong message to young girls. They may feel invulnerable or safe from contracting all forms of HPV, when the vaccine only protects against four of these viruses. This could lead to riskier sexual behavior, which could increase incidence of HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy.
Doctors are concerned that both parents and their children may not understand the lack of protection the cervical cancer vaccine provides. The cervical cancer vaccine helps reduce risk of contracting HPV, but children can get other types. Doctors want to be certain that education exists that helps both parents and children to see that the cervical cancer vaccine is not a cure-all.
Many in the medical community are further concerned that parents may not view their children as “at risk” for getting HPV. Thus they are avidly promoting the cervical cancer vaccination by providing as much information as possible. Even if a girl waits until she is married to engage in sexual behavior, she still could get one of the forms of HPV the vaccine protects against. In worse case scenarios, a girl might be raped, and there is a good likelihood that a rapist will have HPV. About 50% of people who are sexually active will ultimately contract it.
Some counter that getting a nine or ten year old the cervical cancer vaccine is not likely to increase promiscuity. It is probably the case that a younger girl, who is used to getting vaccinations is not likely to even realize what the cervical cancer vaccine is. For those parents concerned about promoting promiscuity, they might simply refer to the vaccine as the HPV, just like we have the DTP. Younger kids are more concerned about the fact that they’re going to get a shot, than what the shot is for.
Still, this debate over the cervical cancer vaccine is likely to continue, since it defines a basic split in beliefs concerning morality that is common in the US. With appropriate education, understanding, and dialogue, over time, the HPV vaccine may become just another preventative measure parents take to protect their children from a potentially debilitating and deadly disease.