Stomach ache and vomiting can occur for a number of different reasons. An illness such as the stomach flu or a stomach virus are among the most common causes, and may also be accompanied by diarrhea; more serious conditions such as appendicitis or an ulcer may also cause these symptoms. Food poisoning is another one of the most common causes of nausea and stomach pain.. Food allergies or food sensitivities, motion sickness, overindulgence in alcohol, or other fairly simple reasons may also cause these symptoms, which will usually pass within a few hours or a day. Nausea and vomiting are typically proceeded by stomach cramps, which can be an early warning sign that one has eaten something bad.
Typically, stomach ache and vomiting will not last for any longer than 24 hours, whatever the cause. If they do, they can lead to potentially dangerous or even fatal dehydration, so it is important to receive medical treatment. In addition, if these symptoms last for more than a day or two, they can be indicative of a more serious condition such as appendicitis. Often, this will be indicated by the presence of a fever, which will not usually occur with a simple stomach virus, though the flu can cause a fever. It is important to carefully monitor all symptoms to determine whether medical treatment is necessary.
It is rare that a food sensitivity will cause stomach ache and vomiting, but sometimes people with a food allergy will experience these symptoms after consuming the food. Food poisoning is a far more common reason for these symptoms; again, these symptoms will typically pass within a day or two, but the severity of food poisoning often requires a visit to the emergency room anyway just to prevent dehydration. One will typically be given IV liquids for a few hours and released. Anti-nausea medication may also be given at the emergency room.
Some people find that they will experience stomach ache and vomiting after drinking too much alcohol. Others find that motion sickness causes these symptoms. In any case, it is best to stay hydrated by drinking clear liquids; many people find flat ginger ale to be particularly helpful at settling the stomach. Plain foods such as dry toast, salted crackers, or white rice can also be helpful at settling the stomach, but it is best not to reintroduce foods to the diet until vomiting has stopped.