If you are planning to take online flight training courses, then you should expect to perform a great deal of work at your computer and may need some additional software. You will likely need to pay for a program to be sent to you or gain access to a website and the various features on that site to learn and test your knowledge. There may be some additional hardware needed, such as a realistic flight controller, and textbooks may be an optional but useful component.
Online flight training is a way to complete the necessary ground training you will need before acquiring a pilot’s license. The exact coursework and knowledge you will need to receive such a license typically varies depending on where you live. Different courses are often available for people in different regions. You will still need air training once you complete your ground training, and this you will have to complete in person and not merely through a simulator or at a computer. Online flight training is an excellent way to start learning, however, as it prepares you for the first series of tests you will likely need to pass before moving forward.
Since online flight training is primarily conducted through the Internet, you will want to have access to a computer with a decent Internet connection. You should look for online programs that will work with whatever computer operating system (OS) you have installed, and you may need to use specific web browsers or other programs to access all of the content. Some programs also interface with flight simulators that require hardware such as a realistic flight controller, which you may need to purchase separately from the training courses.
There are some online flight training programs that have been developed with textbooks you may find useful as you work through the course. You will likely view a number of lessons on a computer, often with interactive video clips and sound files to expand on the text. Programs aimed at teaching you about the various instruments on an aircraft’s control panel will often provide you with a virtual panel where you can see the instruments and understand how they will likely appear in a real aircraft. Some programs will also provide you with numerous practice tests to help prepare you for the written ground tests you will take.