Getting the right amount of various vitamins and nutrients each day is very important to physical and emotional well-being. In many instances, the failure to ingest at least the minimum daily amount recommended by various experts can lead to the development of a number of symptoms. This is true with vitamin D as well as other nutrients. There are a number of examples of vitamin D deficiency symptoms that indicate the need to increase daily consumption of this important vitamin immediately.
Rickets is one of the diseases that are most often triggered by a lack of vitamin D. The bones become weaker and as a result, the legs will often begin to bow under the pressure of the body's weight. Along with the development of rickets in children, this particular vitamin deficiency can lead to a similar condition in adults known as osteomalacia. While the bones soften, osteomalacia normally does not lead to bowed legs; instead, the general skeletal structure becomes very weak, making the incidence of broken bones much more common. A loss of bone strength is easily one of the most common of all symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency.
A vitamin D deficiency syndrome may also be evidenced by an upswing in the incidence of colds and flu. Since a lack of D in the body can help to lower the natural immune system, the body is less able to fend off viruses and bugs. Along with colds, asthma and other breathing difficulties are also common vitamin D deficiency symptoms.
When left untreated, a lack of vitamin D can lead to the development of life threatening diseases. There is a link to D deficiency and breast cancer. In addition, colon cancer and ovarian cancer have also been listed among the several sins of a vitamin D deficiency. Even seemingly healthy people may find that the sudden onset of high blood pressure can be traced back to the depletion of vitamin D in the body.
Not all vitamin D deficiency symptoms are concerned with the function of the body alone. The emotional well-being of an individual can also be compromised by a lack of vitamin D. Anxiety and depression can be caused or exacerbated by the lack of this important vitamin, since it is necessary in creating the building blocks that produce the neurotransmitters that help to maintain emotional balance. Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression that is more common during cold weather, may be triggered by a lack of vitamin D and other essential nutrients. This is because one excellent source of vitamin D is exposure to sunlight, something that many people lack when staying indoors more during the winter months.
Fortunately, the treatment for vitamin D deficiency is simple. Getting out and spending a little time in natural sunlight will help jump start the healing process. Speaking with a physician and determining how much vitamin D to take in capsule or pill form each day will also help restore a proper balance. Depending on which of the vitamin D deficiency symptoms are involved, additional treatment of both the condition and the deficiency may take place concurrently.