There are some inherently difficult things about being elderly. Friends and spouses may die, changing financial circumstances can be tough to bear, and people may suffer from an increase in physical changes or conditions. Still, numerous people enjoy the twilight years and lust for life does not diminish. One thing that may dim enjoyment in later life is elderly depression, which is often not treated or underdiagnosed and can leave people suffering intensely.
There are many symptoms of elderly depression and these can be varied. Some people become more moody, emotional, or tearful. They may feel greater fatigue or have lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities. Social isolation is a common result of elderly depression. Other symptoms include changes in weight, difficulty sleeping, abuse of alcohol, sense that self worth is poor, and suicidality.
It’s important to understand that this form of depression doesn’t always manifest as sadness. Sometimes people will be more irritable and they will have an increase in physical symptoms, like a sudden boost in pain felt from arthritis, or constant headaches. Lack of interest in things may be fueled by an overall sense of tiredness or fatigue that isn’t due to medical cause. As recently discovered, poor sleep may be an indication that depression can occur or is present, and it does nothing to help boost mood or to keep people interested and engaged in their lives. Other physical symptoms may include memory loss or lack of ability to concentrate.
Since there are many stressors present for most people who are getting older, many are curious to know the difference between true medical depression and grief or stress. Generally, people look for several symptoms that could suggest elderly depression instead of merely reaction to trying or difficult circumstances. Even people in grief may be able to stay engaged with life, especially after an initial period of grieving. When they can feel nothing, enjoy nothing and are constantly overwhelmed by a state of sadness or an increase in physical conditions and when they cannot respond to the affectionate gestures of others, this may suggest true depression instead of just stress response or grief.
There are numerous causes for elderly depression, including lack of certain hormones like thyroid hormone, or poor nutrition that leads to things such as B-vitamin insufficiency. Some common medications may have depression as a side effect. People suspected of having this condition should be encouraged to see a doctor to examine possible physical causes or drug side effects.
Sometimes a cause isn’t clearly identified with physical exam and bloodwork and people will require treatment with antidepressants and therapy. This can remain complicated because in some people an inherent distrust of using “mood” drugs exists, and this attitude is particularly common among the elderly, though this is changing. Therapy may also be viewed with some suspicion. As an alternative, therapy groups comprised of peer group members might be more acceptable.
People in the depressed person’s life may be able to help by encouraging the person to get a physical exam, by spending time with the person, and by offering regular outings. Resistance to treatment can remain a huge problem for some families. When treatment is accepted and undertaken for elderly depression, it is usually very effective and people can regain their enjoyment of life.