There are a several benefits to using antique ceiling tiles, including the fact that they allow you to create a unique look for your home. Most antique tiles are no longer made or sold in stores, so using them will set your home apart from newer ones with more modern tiles. The rarity of antique ceiling tiles is also a downside, since you might not be able to make replacements if there is any damage done to your ceiling. It may also be hard to find enough antique tiles to use for an entire ceiling.
One of the good things about using antique ceiling tiles is that they come in designs and patterns that are different than what you can find in most stores. Since they are usually no longer sold, you probably won't have to worry about other people having the same tiles as you. This allows you to create a new and unique look for your home.
While in this way having rare tiles can be a good thing, using antique ceiling tiles can also be inconvenient because it is often hard to find enough of them for an entire room. You may come across someone selling a large quantity of old tiles that have been sitting around for years in an attic or garage, but many times you will only find a few matching tiles here and there. This makes things difficult if you want to do your entire ceiling in these tiles.
One solution to this problem is to combine new and antique ceiling tiles to create your own pattern or design. This way, you can cover most of your ceiling with tiles you find in your local home improvement store and then add antique accents throughout. This will give you the benefits of both older and newer items.
Another positive factor to considering when choosing antique ceiling tiles is that they are sometimes less expensive than newer ones. This is not always the case, since they can also be a lot more expensive. If you can find them at a yard sale, on online auction sites, or at flea markets, you may be able to find very good deals from people who simply want to get rid of them. If you come across a high-end item being sold by someone who knows what they are worth, you could end up paying more than what you'd spend on new tiles.