Toenail fungus infections occur when microscopic fungal organisms enter one or more of the toenails and begin to multiply, causing the nails to grow thick, discolored, and sometimes painful. Of all toenail fungus causes, the most direct one is the exposure of cracked or cut toenails or skin to infection-causing fungi. Other factors such as environment and circulatory health can increase the risk of infection by toenail fungus.
Of all toenail fungus causes, the most direct cause is the exposure of cut or cracked toenails or surrounding skin to infection-causing fungi. Often, these cuts or cracks are so small that they cannot be detected by the naked eye. Fungi enter the toenail or nails through a cut or crack and then begin to breed. As the fungi permeate the toenail, it can become thick, discolored, and even painful.
While not exactly toenail fungus causes, many factors can increase one’s susceptibility to toenail fungus infection. The fungi which cause toenail infections thrive in warm, moist environments. As the feet tend to be enclosed in socks and shoes, they often become warm and sweaty. If an individual’s toenails have been invaded by a fungus, the warmth and moisture of their feet can encourage that fungus to multiply. Wearing clean, absorbent socks made from natural fibers such as cotton can help draw moisture away from the feet, potentially reducing one’s risk of infection by the fungi which cause toenail infections.
Regularly spending time in warm, damp environments can also increase one’s chances of being exposed to fungus, and can thus be considered one of the most common toenail fungus causes. Environments such as indoor swimming pools and locker rooms provide a welcoming habitat for infection-causing fungi. The risk of infection is especially high for those who walk around in these environments with their feet uncovered. Wearing waterproof sandals while in such environments may reduce one’s susceptibility to infection.
Weakened circulation in the feet can also be considered one of the most common toenail fungus causes. Medical experts believe that this may be because a decreased blood flow in the feet reduces the body’s ability to identify and combat an infection in that area. Thus, those with weakened circulation in the feet may be at a higher risk of developing a toenail fungus infection following exposure to infection-causing fungi. Diabetics, overweight individuals and the elderly have a heightened risk of reduced circulation in the feet.