Anxiety attack symptoms may manifest in various degrees. Some of the more common symptoms may consist of an overwhelming feeling of panic and a racing heartbeat. Withdrawal and fear may be common anxiety attack symptoms as well. A feeling of nausea, sweating, and dizziness may accompany an anxiety attack in some cases.
When a person suffers from anxiety attacks, the attack may come on suddenly or be provoked by an event. Even the sight of an object, place, or people may bring on an anxiety attack in some people. Sometimes called panic attacks, the individual may suffer symptoms that seem uncontrollable.
Every individual is unique in what characterizes symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Therefore, there are no 'classic' or typical symptoms. Some individuals who express excessive fear may show anxiety attack symptoms such as a pale complexion or staring blankly. A person exhibiting anxiety attack symptoms may also look flushed, as if she is blushing.
During a severe panic attack, the individual may begin to shiver or shake noticeably. Chills may occur, regardless of room temperature. The person may describe a sensation of intense itching, burning, or tingling. This may occur on the limbs, face, or the entire body. A feeling of general illness may be felt.
Some symptoms of anxiety attacks may mimic those of a heart attack. This is why it is important to distinguish between the two. Symptoms such as shortness of breath or tightness in the chest are not uncommon in panic attacks. If the individual who is experiencing panic attack symptoms feels he is having a heart attack, he should be taken to the nearest hospital emergency room for evaluation.
Many anxiety attack symptoms can be treated with medications. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications can treat various symptoms associated with a panic disorder or similar psychiatric condition. Medications may help control symptoms such as depression and nervousness.
Other anxiety attack symptoms may be emotionally related. Deep fears and phobias ranging from a fear of going out in public to a fear of dying, may be common symptoms of anxiety disorders. In some people, these fears can control their daily lives, making it difficult to cope. Psychiatric intervention and counseling can often provide help.
Anxiety attack symptoms such as frequent or recurring nightmares can be an issue for some. In such cases, it may help to receive therapy or even hypnosis. Determining what events have triggered panic attacks, or what is causing the most fear is essential to recovery.