There are several health benefits of honey, including its use for sore throats, burns and allergies. It can provide a person with a long-lasting burst of energy. Honey can work as an antiseptic, a moisturizer, and as a cure for diarrhea. The sticky substance helps boost a person's immune system and may help prevent certain types of cancer from forming.
The health benefits of honey have been known for many years. Among these is honey's ability to energize a person fast without causing significant weight gain. This is because the glucose in honey is quickly absorbed into a person's body. Fructose in the honey then allows this energy to last for a long time. It has been shown that honey increases endurance and performance and lowers the amount of fatigue that muscles experience, especially for athletes.
The energy that comes from pure honey has other benefits for the body, as well. It helps the body to form the blood that it needs and also cleans that blood. Energy from honey can also help with blood circulation.
Another one of the health benefits of honey is that it can build up a person's immune system. This means a person's body will have a much easier time fighting off diseases and illnesses. Honey also improves the way a person's digestive system works, allowing that person to stay healthier.
Minor ailments can be treated with honey. Swallowing 1 or 2 tablespoons (15 or 30 ml) of honey can relieve the pain of a sore throat, and can also get rid of the bacteria causing the sore throat. When honey is applied to cuts and burns, it allows them to heal while keeping the wound clean and free of bacteria. One of the health benefits of honey is that it lowers the amount of pain a person feels from a cut or burn while it helps prevent scars and reduces swelling.
Diarrhea, upset stomach and vomiting also can be treated with honey. The honey will rehydrate a person's body fast while getting rid of the bacteria causing the diarrhea. It may also help to prevent and treat ulcers.
Although it has not been shown to cure any type of cancer, many believe that preventing cancer is one of the health benefits of honey. Honey contains carcinogen-preventing properties and anti-tumor properties that may help to prevent tumors from forming. Some tumors also may be reduced through the use of honey.