An individual may look to many different sources for assistance with medical school tuition. Among the most commonly used sources of financial assistance, however, are scholarships and loans. A person may also get assistance from tuition help programs in exchange for agreeing to some type of service after graduation. Since medical school tuition is typically very expensive, a person may combine a few different sources of financial assistance to help meet his tuition needs.
One of the ways a person may finance medical school tuition is with scholarships, which are monetary awards a person receives to fund his education. This type of financial aid is free, and the party who receives it does not have to pay it back. Scholarships are awarded for several different reasons. Some of them are based on merit, and others are given to students who demonstrate particular qualities, such as leadership ability. An individual may also receive a scholarship because of a talent, hobby, income level, or even because he is left-handed.
Most students who need financial help to attend medical school prefer to receive the bulk of their aid in the form of scholarships. Often, medical schools offer scholarships to the students they accept, but a person may increase his chances of getting a good deal of scholarship money by applying to outside sources that offer scholarships as well. For example, an aspiring medical school student may search for scholarships online or in scholarship books. He may also check whether organizations to which he belongs offer scholarships.
Many students secure at least some loans to pay medical school tuition. For example, a medical student may accept loans from a government agency as a way of affording medical school tuition. Depending on where a person lives, he may find a variety of government-sponsored programs that offer loans to medical students. An individual may also seek loans from private lenders, however. Interest rates, loan terms, and loan eligibility usually vary based on the source of the loan.
An individual who needs help financing medical school tuition may also find special programs to which he can apply for assistance. For example, he may take advantage of a program that pays his medical school tuition in exchange for his commitment to performing some type of service after he has become a doctor. Some programs, for instance, may pay a medical student’s tuition if he agrees to work as a doctor in a specific area for a minimum number of years after graduation. Additionally, there are some programs that require a person to serve in the military as repayment for tuition assistance.