The different uses of aloe vera are varied and include treating dry skin, constipation, and genital herpes. Some studies show that the substance is great for dry skin, much like shea butter and popular moisturizing oils. In addition, a certain part of an aloe vera leaf can be used as a laxative to treat constipation. Lastly, there are promising reports of a genital herpes treatment being among the many uses of aloe vera. The vast majority of aloe vera uses, however, are not 100-percent proved, and more testing is needed to confirm its effectiveness.
Aloe vera is often found in beauty products like makeup and skin moisturizers. This is because some studies show that it is effective at treating dry skin. Researchers point out that these first studies were of low quality and that high-quality studies are needed before declaring the treatment of dry skin among the uses of aloe vera. Until this use is confirmed, consumers should keep in mind that the addition of aloe vera in creams and cosmetic products does not necessarily make them better.
The inner lining of aloe vera leaves has latex, which can be used as a laxative. Researchers have found dried latex effective, but more studies need to be conducted to discover just how effective it is. Some home herbal remedies recommend whole aloe vera leaves as an alternative to extracting and drying the latex. The proper dosing for this remedy has yet to be established. Until scientists are more sure of this use of aloe vera, constipation should be treated according to a health professional’s expertise.
Preliminary studies indicate that aloe vera gel or cream might be effective at treating genital herpes. One of the first studies was done on more than one-hundred men, with the vast majority reporting a difference in their outbreaks within one week of applying a gel or cream. Like many other uses of aloe vera, this proposed use must be explored a bit more before it can become a reliable treatment method. Until then, people who have genital herpes should continue treating the condition as advised by their doctors.
A great many aloe vera uses are not scientifically proved to work. In fact, many standard uses of aloe vera are old wives' tales or herbal remedies, but they might be based on truth. Researchers are always exploring and improving the world’s knowledge of medicinal plant uses, and it is generally a matter of time until the uses of aloe vera are confirmed or debunked.