There are a number of different university lecturer jobs available for those who are qualified. Most courses are taught by professional academics, such as those who have a Ph.D. in their chosen field. Some lower level courses, however, may be taught by graduate students, or those who are working towards a doctoral degree as part of a graduate assistantship or fellowship program. These university lecturer jobs sometimes represent a way to get valuable experience as well as help to cover the cost of tuition, which can get pretty expensive in graduate school.
Depending on the size and type of college or university, the institution will likely have a number of different departments with many different possible university lecturer jobs. Each department will include a department chair who heads the department, with a number of other professors teaching courses in their individual specialties. For example, an English department might have professors who specialize and lecture in American literature, British literature, or journalism, just to name a few. People with a unique specialty yet also the capability to teach a wide range of classes tend to be the most attractive credentials for university lecturer jobs.
University lecturer jobs also vary depending on the level of professor that an individual is. An assistant professor, for example, is an entry level lecturer who will likely have to teach a lot of basic courses and lecture frequently. An associate professor is a mid level job, and this person may be eligible for tenure. A full or senior professor is an upper level position, and this person will often receive tenure along with this promotion. The department chair is the highest position. Generally, as professors advance through the ranks, they will be required to teach fewer classes and will have more time to focus on research and writing.
Some university lecturer jobs might be given to graduate students in certain fields as well. Graduate students may teach introductory courses for undergrad students, such as those taken in the first semester of freshman year. Often, these individuals will receive a small stipend or a tuition waiver in exchange for this work, as well as the experience they gain by teaching and sharing information in their chosen field. These students will generally not teach more than one or two courses at the most, in order to ensure they still have time to focus on their own studies and complete their degrees.