Vocational job training provides advanced knowledge for students planning to work in a particular industry or position. There are many different types of vocational job training, which is generally offered as a replacement or addendum to traditional academic programs. Some of the most popular types of vocational job training include business and administrative courses, medical training programs, and craft trade schools. In some cases, even those with college degrees from a traditional university may be required to obtain certification through vocational job training before being eligible for a job in a specific industry.
Business and administrative vocational programs help prepare students for careers in designated areas of the business world. Some courses may provide management training for restaurant, travel, or tourism work. Office administrations courses may focus on the administrative duties of a particular industry, and may train students to become medical or legal secretaries or banking administration professionals. While not all business or administrative jobs require formal vocational job training, candidates who have gone through a certification program may be better prepared for the professional world.
Some jobs in the medical field require vocational job training rather than a medical degree. In addition to administrative jobs, vocational students can train to become pharmacists, physician or dentist assistants, or alternative medical specialists such as chiropractors or acupuncturists. Job training in alternative medicine can also help students prepare for licensing examinations, which can be quite rigorous and are often required to practice legally.
Trade schools aim to teach students a craft or art through vocational job training. There are dozens of different types of trade schools for both creative and craft-based fields. Car and aviation repair, graphic design, catering, fashion, and even blacksmithing can all be learned through vocational job training programs. For some highly specialized trades, vocational schools are the only means of the apprenticeship and training necessary to become a skilled professional.
Certain jobs require vocational training for all participants, regardless of prior history or educational background. Firefighters and police officers, for example, are often required to complete rigorous training programs before becoming fully qualified for their jobs. These types of mandatory programs usually require candidates to pass specific examinations and qualifying trials before beginning training, in order to ensure that the candidates are suitable. In some cases, employees may be hired at the outset, then paid a stipend while going through mandatory vocational training. Once a candidate has successfully completed training, he or she may be fully employed at a full salary.