Among the different types of self-esteem worksheets are those that are completed by hand and those that are completed online. Worksheets that are created by hand may come in a variety of forms, such as those that are simple assessments usually consisting of a page or two, those that attempt a more in-depth assessment and those that are part of a workbook format. Self-esteem worksheets may assess self-esteem, help individuals build self-esteem or may be created to do both.
Schools, psychologists and life coaches are among the professionals who often use self-esteem scales when working with students and clients. Worksheets are created as instruments to measure an individual's levels of self-esteem. Often, worksheets are distributed in a classroom or workshop setting, but many self-esteem worksheets can be accessed independently on the Internet or may be purchased from self-help businesses.
Worksheets that are distributed professionally are often printed on paper and participants are expected to complete the worksheet by hand. In some instances, worksheets may be read to participants while responses are recorded by a teacher or therapist. Often, these types of self-esteem worksheets are used in self-esteem classes or are offered in therapeutic environments, such as a support group or a therapy session. Worksheets may focus on a single training didactic or may incorporate several theories of self-esteem, such as those espoused by Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs or those that link social rankings with self-esteem.
Individuals may also complete self-esteem worksheets online. Digital renditions may be completed on special software used by a person teaching self-esteem courses. Self-esteem worksheets featured on special software are typically completed in a teacher's office or classroom, whereas online worksheets may be completed on a student's home or office computer.
Those with low self-esteem may improve self-esteem by reading self-help books, blogs and websites, and crafting a self-esteem worksheet tailored to address specific issues. If low self-esteem is rooted in childhood abuse or negative thinking patterns, it is possible to read books on overcoming such issues and some of the suggestions contained in these teachings can be transformed into a self-esteem worksheet. Tools like this can be printed on a single worksheet, entered into an electronic journal or worked into a physical journal where one or two questions per day are answered or certain self-esteem exercises are targeted as daily goals.
Many self-esteem worksheets are designed in a straightforward question and answer format, others are created using a self-esteem scale that first helps a person discover the roots of her or his poor self-esteem. Worksheets like this are generally several pages long or may even be integrated into books focused on improving self-esteem. When featured in this format, self-esteem worksheets tend to follow chapters addressing a particular subject and are accompanied by a list of action steps to help a person overcome personal issues that have created a deficit in levels of self-esteem.