One of the most common types of resection surgery is colon resection, which involves removal of a section of the intestines. Resection surgery may be performed on other areas of the body, and generally involves the removal of bodily tissue or partial removal of an organ. For instance, individuals who have incurred damage to a lung may need to have a portion removed. This procedure is done though lung resection surgery. Patients who have incurred severe brain injuries or epileptic patients may require temporal lobe resection surgery.
Some patients with cirrhosis of the liver may need liver resection. The same procedure may be necessary for patients suffering from liver cancer. When the liver becomes damaged through trauma or disease, a resection procedure may be recommended. When tumors are present, or in the case of a benign mass, a section of the liver may need to be removed. Liver failure may occur if the remaining section does not function sufficiently.
Resection aftercare involving liver surgery typically involves bed rest for one week or longer. Complications such as infection may increase recovery time. Cancer patients who undergo liver resection surgery may also require radiation therapy.
Some men who have been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate may develop health issues. One such problem may be difficulty in urination due to pressure on the bladder. In such a case, the patient's physician may recommend what is known as a transurethral resection procedure, in which a section of the prostate glade is removed. This type of surgery may also be an option for some patients with prostate cancer.
Rectal cancer may be another reason for some patients to undergo a resection surgery. This type of surgery is referred to as lower anterior resection surgery if it involves the lower portion of the rectum. When a tumor involves the colon, an upper anterior resection may be necessary.
In cases of severe trauma to a kidney, a partial resection may be necessary. The damaged kidney may be due to trauma caused by disease or an accident. Partial resection may also involve the removal of a portion of kidney due to the growth of several small tumors on the kidney.
Some patients who have recurrent epileptic seizures may require a procedure known as extratemporal cortical resection surgery. In this operation, a section of brain tissue is removed. Recovery from this type of surgery may take several weeks. There are risks for complications from this type of surgery, most notably brain swelling and stroke.