The type of psychologist degree programs one will need to take will depend heavily on the career desired. Those who want to become a psychologist and work with patients will need to get a four-year college degree, followed by an advanced doctorate degree program. If one’s goals are to work as an assistant, a counselor, or in another field altogether, then getting a bachelor’s degree in psychology is probably sufficient. When in doubt, students should speak with an advisor or a professional in their prospective fields to determine the best psychology degree programs for them.
Psychology is the study of the human mind, and how the brain works. This would include the study of the ways behavior and influenced by life events. It also involves mental illness and the reasons people do the things they do. There are no right or wrong psychologist degree programs, but there are certain courses one should take when aiming for a particular career in the field of psychology.
Those who want to become a psychologist will need to enter into a doctoral program in order to obtain a PhD. This is a time-consuming and rigorous process, but it is a necessary one for those who wish to work one on one with patients diagnosing conditions and helping them reach their full potential. There are also secondary specialty programs one can also take part in. For instance, some psychologists specialize in working with patients who have a particular mental illness or problem.
There are psychologist degree programs that don’t require the time commitment of a doctoral program. Those who want to become counselors or assistants to psychologists can simply obtain a four-year degree in many cases. The level of work they can do with patients is more limited, but they can still play a major role in treatment and healing. Unfortunately, however, job opportunities for those with four year degrees are often limited.
Some students may also choose to take psychologist degree programs even if they have no desire to pursue a career in the field. Businesses often hire those with some experience in or studies in psychology because it gives the candidate a better understanding of human nature. Those who minor in psychology while earning a four year degree in something else often make great human resource managers, office liaisons, and motivational speakers.