The prom hairstyle is the finishing touch to the entire prom outfit, and there is a variety of prom updos to choose from no matter what style of dress is worn. The messy updo is ideal for those who want to do something simple and aren't particularly skilled with complicated styles. Those with long hair can do a braided bun that's dotted with crystal bobby pins. A more complicated style is to do large thick curls at the crown of the head and finish it off with a crystal tiara or bobby pins at the front of it. Although a chignon seems complicated to do, it's rather easy and one of the most versatile prom updos.
A messy updo is one of the simplest prom updos for those who want a beautiful look without all the hassle. Straighten the hair, curl it in inch (2.5 cm) thick sections, then apply hairspray all over it. While the head is flipped upside down, lightly mess up the curls so they're still intact but have a tousled appearance. Take one or two curls at a time and pin them up haphazardly at the crown of the head with some pieces hanging down around the face.
Another one of the easiest prom updos is a large braided bun. Pull the hair into a pony tail at the crown of the head and braid it — use clear elastics if possible. Once it's braided, wrap it around the base of the ponytail and secure it with regular bobby pins along with a mix of crystal-tipped bobby pins for extra sparkle.
Doing an updo consisting of large barrel curls may seem simple, but it may require some extra help to get them centered just right. Straighten the hair, then pull it into a ponytail at the crown of the head. Do a large 1 inch (2.5 cm) or 2 inch (5 cm) curl at a time — roll the curl so it's formed into a loop, then pin it down using one bobby pin for each. Continue until all the hair is in large loops covering the crown of the head. For a final touch, put crystal-tipped bobby pins across the base of the hairstyle in the front or use a crystal tiara.
To do a chignon, straighten the hair and pull it into a low ponytail. Separate the ponytail into a top and bottom section. Twist the top section until it can't go anymore, then wrap it around the base of the ponytail; do the same with the bottom half. It's one of the prom updos that looks beautiful tousled or neat. For a sweet touch, stick a large flower or a bunch of small flowers into the top or sides of the hairstyle.