Searching for a pilates videos will yield multiple videos from various sources. An initial consideration for finding pilates videos is the type of video interface desired, such as Internet, DVD or VHS. A different way to search for pilates videos is by determining which ones are the most appropriate or most challenging; for instance, people can search for beginner, intermediate and advanced programs. Alternately, people might want videos to incorporate elements like pilates equipment such as rings and bars, or that target a specific body area. Some people also want pilates instruction that incorporates other things like aerobic exercise or dancing.
The most important thing is finding a type of pilates video compatible with any viewing system. Some people still only have VCRs and will need to look for VHS tapes, and others only have DVD players and want to make sure they get a DVD. It’s usually easier to find DVDs, but people are by no means restricted to getting pilates videos that plays on the television.
There are downloadable videos that will play on computer screens or MP3s, and a few free offerings on free view Internet sites. People with access to recorded programming like OnDemand® or TiVo® could also record their own pilates videos. What’s helpful, is knowing that programs can be narrowed down by technical interface, and people can thus choose only from the programs they’ll have a way to play.
Determining individual strengths helps people decide level of difficulty of program they should choose. Beginners should stick with beginners’ videos, but people who have been doing pilates for a long time may want challenging and slightly harder programs. Before progressing to more advanced material, which can be much more difficult, people should probably check with their doctor, particularly if they have any ongoing muscular or skeletal issues. Pilates videos do not correct the individual or compensate for health problems, though some videos do feature several people working out at different levels of difficulty.
Pilates is known for using a variety of equipment, though it’s possible to get a pilates video that just focuses on mat work. Some people enjoy the extra challenge associated with using extra equipment. Occasionally, a video will come in a package deal with the necessary equipment. If not, people will need to shop for the equipment in order to make the routine most useful. Another thing people can look for is a routine that targets the buns, abdomen or core, but a good well-rounded tape will also target these areas fairly constantly, so it may not be necessary to purchase a separate video.
Lastly, as pilates has grown in popularity, it has been combined with other workout forms. Some tapes have an aerobic workout or many of them group pilates exercises with yoga. People can have a good time searching through the combinations that exist, though these combo tapes may not be best for the person solely interested in pilates mat work.