Adding part-time weekend work can be a good way to maximize income while still leaving enough time for rest and relaxation. There are many different types of part-time weekend work, depending on existing skills and training. Some common opportunities for weekend jobs include home businesses, weekend clerking, overflow staff positions, and tutoring.
Starting a home business, or finding a freelance, work-from-home position is a great way to incorporate part-time weekend work. Home business ideas might include selling customized greeting cards online, offering calligraphy services, or providing in-home pet setting or childcare. Freelance jobs, such as editing for a website, can also be a good way to earn additional cash without even having to change out of pajamas. While home businesses and freelance jobs can be an excellent source of part-time weekend work, they can sometimes require special licensing and complex tax filing issues. Check with local business and tax bureaus to make sure that all self-starting jobs are being managed within legal guidelines.
Many businesses like to operate with a skeleton crew over the weekend. Finding a job as a weekend clerk can be a good way to add to personal income, without committing to a full-time job. Basic secretarial skills are generally required for this type of position, but it can be a good opportunity for those with limited work experience. Weekend clerks tend to focus on getting the office prepped for the next week, answering mail and phone messages, and ensuring that regular personnel are notified if an emergency occurs.
Some businesses tend to get the majority of their customers during weekends, creating a need for overflow and weekend staff. Theme parks, restaurants, sports stadiums, and other entertainment and cultural organizations are frequently in need of weekend staff to manage increased crowd levels during weekend days or evenings. These jobs may require little or no training, and can be a good way to try out a new career before deciding to switch career paths completely. Many of these locations also are in need of seasonal staff around holidays, which can increase opportunities for additional earning.
Tutoring is a great form of part-time weekend work for teenagers or college students. Without unduly disrupting their own studies or relaxation time, older students can spend weekend mornings teaching math, history, foreign languages, or test preparation to those in need of scholastic help. Tutoring sessions are generally done on an hourly basis, allowing a tutor to take on as many or as few hours as desired. This can be a great opportunity to learn the basics of teaching, while helping to pay for college or leisure activities.