There are a number of part-time travel jobs available around the world for those who are interested. These may be jobs in the travel and tourism industry, or jobs in which the employee actually gets to travel as part of his or her job description. Most of these jobs can be part time or full time depending on the company and the individual's preferences, and may offer opportunities for advancement. Some of the most coveted part-time travel jobs include travel writers and photographers, who write about various destinations for magazines, blogs, or books. Short-term internship projects in other countries are another option, or jobs in the travel industry such as a travel agent, tour guide, or cruise ship employee are also possible.
Regardless of the amount of hours offered or income earned, travel jobs tend to be some of the most sought after, and are highly competitive. Travel writing and photography are the part-time travel jobs that are the most in demand, and the hardest to get. These are usually offered to experienced freelancers who may get to travel to various vacation destinations in order to research things to do, and to take quality photos. These stories may then be published in travel magazines, on websites, or in travel guides.
For those who do not have writing or photography experience, there are a number of other potential part-time travel jobs. Internships or volunteer opportunities abroad are popular options for many people. Though this may require a few weeks or months of full-time commitment, they typically do not last for the full year. They are a great way to get experience, however, as well as a way to see the world and make a positive difference.
Other part-time travel jobs may be a bit more similar to traditional employment. Working for a travel agency or a visitor's center in a city can allow someone to work in the travel industry, and get experience planning trips and helping customers. Some people enjoy becoming a tour guide in a city as a way to avoid sitting behind a desk all day, and to meet new people form distant locations.
Working on a cruise ship can be another great way to see the world, as well as work in the travel industry. It is a lot more difficult to find part-time travel jobs on a cruise ship, but it is possible, and there are literally hundreds of different positions available. Hotels and resorts also frequently hire part-time help throughout the year, and are connected to travel as well.