Part-time security jobs are plentiful and include positions ranging from providing shopping mall security and shoplifting prevention to manning front gates at manufacturing plants and government facilities. Sporting venues, concerts and art shows are other happenings that typically employ personnel to fill part-time security jobs. Some part-time security jobs are also created in the wake of city festivals, public speaking events and celebrity tours.
Department stores often offer several part-time security jobs. Security personnel are needed to watch for shoplifters, handle unruly customers and protect store assets. They also work to keep customers safe and protect their possessions. In addition to watching customers, workers filling part-time security jobs are often tasked with monitoring the actions of store employees. Cashiers, accountants and other employees who handle money and valuable merchandise are typically under constant surveillance by security personnel.
Manufacturing companies and industrial parks often offer part-time security jobs for inside and outside the facilities. Many companies have a variety of workers, equipment and products coming in and out of buildings around the clock. In order to protect against theft, security officers are often hired to patrol the grounds, parking lots and buildings. Security workers are also employed to monitor security cameras and alarm systems.
Some businesses opt to have security officers staff entrances and exits at their facilities. These part-time security jobs often require workers to walk out to vehicles to verify who is entering and exiting the area. The officers also assist with some deliveries that might be of a sensitive nature by escorting the delivery personnel to and from their destination within the office complex. Pay checks, top-secret information and shredded documents are often included in the type of materials that may require added security while being transported.
It is not uncommon for several security providers to be hired to work at a sporting event, such as a basketball, soccer or football game. The increase in security may be added during a championship series game or during an event that is of added significance. Many of these events attract several tens of thousands of spectators and often require added security to maintain a peaceful and orderly environment. Concert events are another type of draw that commonly requires additional security personnel. Both inside and outside venues present security risks for not only the performers, but the concert-goers as well.
Many celebrities schedule speaking events within a city square or public park. Part-time security jobs are often created to afford the city to provide the required protection for the speaker. Many of these security officers are dressed in civilian clothes to blend into the crowd. Other security officers may be positioned above the venue to keep a vigil from adjacent buildings, platform stands and even aircraft.