There are many types of part-time Internet, or Net, jobs a person may hold. Among the most common are those that involve call center work and content producing. A person may also hold a part-time Net job as a salesperson, technical support representative, or website maintenance technician. Additionally, some people find positions as Internet community hosts or moderators.
One of the most common types of part-time Net jobs is that of a call center representative. This person makes or receives calls for a call center and provides the type of telephone help his employer needs. For example, some call center employees take orders for purchases or handle customer service requests from people in need of more information about a product or service. Often, people who work in this field also handle problem solving by dealing with customers whose packages have not arrived or who are unhappy with the items they received. In addition, a person who works for a Net call center might also help customers with payment-related questions.
Many people who hold part-time Net jobs work in content producing. A person in this field might write articles or blogs for the Internet, or produce video or audio content for Internet users. Some people who take on these jobs may also produce graphics for use on websites. Often, a person who works in this type of Net job works for an employer who needs the content to generate income online. In other cases, however, a person with this type of job creates content for informational and educational purposes or to generate interest for an offline business.
Some people work in sales positions online. These types of part-time Net jobs require a person to seek out potential customers or clients and sell a product or service to them over the Internet. The company for which a person works may provide some leads or contacts the salesperson can use to generate sales. In many cases, however, he must obtain the majority of his leads and contacts on his own.
A person can also find part-time Net jobs that are more technical in nature. For example, there are some jobs that involve providing technical help to Internet users or those who own a certain type of software or computer component. There are also positions held by people who create websites or maintain those that are already established.
Also among the common part-time Net jobs are those intended for people who help keep an Internet community running smoothly. Often, these people are referred to as hosts or moderators. They help ensure that users know how to participate in the communities, get rid of messages that do not belong, try to keep unfriendly conversations from getting out of control, and sometimes help participants with minor technical problems. Many of these positions are held by volunteers, but some companies do pay for these services.