Some of the most common types of part time employment opportunities include summer employment and seasonal employment, as well as part time jobs with businesses that hire year-round. Depending on a person’s profession and training, he might create his own part time work as a freelancer, contractor, or other type of self-employed individual. The vast variety of part time employment opportunities is beneficial for people of all walks of life. Such people include young workers and students and people just breaking into the employment sector. Opportunities for part time work also benefit parents with minimal time or who need extra money as well as seniors and retirees who want to stay active.
Many different kinds of businesses hire employees on a part time basis. It’s not uncommon to find a variety of part time employment opportunities at retail stores, offices, banks, and even the medical field. Certain kinds of professionals can also create their own part time job opportunities, such as massage therapists, personal trainers, and even substitute teachers who only want to work a certain number of hours a day or week. Some people also find part time work as freelancers, contractors, or other types of self-employed workers both online and in person. For example, it’s possible to find part time work as a freelance writer for a company that needs occasional newsletters written, with all or the majority of the correspondence taking place via email.
Some of the most popular part time employment opportunities among younger workers or students are summer employment and seasonal employment. Since they take place during a particular part of the year, these kinds of part time employment opportunities can have either part time or full time hours and still be considered part time. Some of the most common types of summer employment and seasonal employment include working at retail stores during busy holiday seasons, acting as a lifeguard at a pool, lake, or ocean, and being a counselor at a summer camp. Students especially benefit from developing good relationships with such employers, as doing so can help them keep a foot in the door when the next summer or winter vacation comes along. Of course, job seekers should keep in mind that some types of summer and seasonal jobs, such as lifeguards and camp counselors, typically require prospects to have certain amount of training and even certification before being eligible for hire.
Also, people can find part time employment opportunities in the temporary employment sector. Like summer employment and season employment, temporary employment can offer both part time and full time hours. Since the jobs are temporary, though, they’re considered part time. Typically, temporary jobs become available when a full time employee takes an extended amount of time off, quits, or is fired, or a company needs to fill a certain position until it hires a full time employee. Job seekers can find temporary employment opportunities from job advertisements or word of mouth, or by using the services of a staffing company.