Part-time catering jobs are available in nearly all aspects of the catering field, and range from head chefs to servers and clean-up personnel. Depending upon the size and scope of an event, a large number of part-time catering jobs can be generated for a well-attended party, while simpler affairs will typically create fewer catering jobs. In addition to private celebrations, such as weddings and anniversary parties, part-time catering jobs are also generated when businesses and organizations host catered events.
Catering firms can employ a variety of cooks, such as a head chef, sous chef and pastry chef, to prepare food for a catered event. The amount of kitchen staff needed to prepare the catered meal often hinges on the volume and variety of food to be served at an event. A greater volume of food typically calls for more workers, as does a plentiful menu featuring many different types of items. Other food-related, part-time catering jobs include those focusing on salads, desserts and beverages. Bartenders and baristas can also be part of the catering staff.
Set-up staff are often needed to ready a banquet room, tent or other dining area for a catered event. A set-up crew will often take care of the heavy lifting involved in catering an event, such as preparing banquet tables, food serving trays and beverage stations. The set-up staff also is typically responsible for applying the appropriate tablecloths, napkins and chair coverings. Providing centerpieces, condiments and silverware is also the responsibility of the set-up staff.
Clean-up staff are among the many part-time catering jobs offered at special events. Several clean-up staffers are typically needed for catering jobs, as preparing, cooking and serving food generates a lot of dishes to gather and wash. The clean-up staff may be responsible for cleaning up all of the equipment and accessories installed by the set-up staff. In addition to clearing away dishes from tables and serving areas, the staff may also be tasked with cleaning up to make sure the grounds or venue are in pristine condition after the event.
Party planners, consultants and salespeople are some of the part-time personnel who help a firm gain and retain customers. Catering salespeople can provide menus, explain services offered and give estimates to potential clients. Party planners can oversee all aspects of an event, including the catering. Catering consultants can be hired to serve as a liaison between the customers and the catering firm.