Among the most common part-time call center jobs are those for customer service agents who will man the phones, and answer questions when people call in. Depending on the type of call center it is, these questions can vary, but most companies will offer extensive training for their agents so they know what they're doing. Supervisors may also work in a call center, though it is less common to be part-time in this position; managers will virtually never be part-time. There are also a number of part-time call center jobs that allow people to work from home, needing nothing more than a headset and a stable web connection.
There are a few other part-time call center jobs that aren't for customer service agents, however. Office cleaners, for example, may work part time in call centers and never need to talk to the customers. Administrative assistants, or other office support personnel may also work part-time in a call center, often during normal business hours, even though the call center may be open 24 hours a day. In addition, information technology and support employees may also work part time, providing ongoing assistance and maintenance of the office equipment.
As a general rule, however, these part-time call center jobs are a bit harder to come by. Customer service agents dominate these jobs, as some larger call centers might hire hundreds or even thousands of agents to answer the phones, particularly during the busy seasons. These people might be responsible for taking orders, setting up reservations, or assisting in resolving problems. These tasks can take many different forms depending on the type of call center, but it is important for each agent to always remain calm and professional, even when dealing with potentially angry or frustrated customers.
Customer service agents who do particularly well in their jobs may be promoted to a supervisory position. They may still occasionally take calls, but generally they will only take the calls that the other customer service agents cannot handle for whatever reason. These are less common part-time call center jobs, since many businesses want supervisors on a full-time basis, but they do still exist. Another option for customer service agents who excel in their work may be to work from home; generally they will just need to log on to the system during their designated hours, and complete their work on their home computer.