Over-the-counter medicine for piles, or hemorrhoids, can provide temporary relief of mild pain and itching for those whose symptoms are not severe. These products are available in the form of pads, creams, ointments or suppositories, and they contain such ingredients as lidocaine, witch hazel or hydrocortisone. Certain dietary, nutritional and lifestyle measures can be helpful, such as taking psyllium supplements to facilitate greater ease in passing bowels. Another approach to piles treatment is the use of herbs, but they should be used only under the supervision of a health practitioner. Some natural remedies have side effects and can interfere with other medications.
The most recommended nutritional measure for treating piles is consuming more fiber through dietary sources and supplements. Doctors advise increasing daily fiber intake to 20-35 grams. This can be achieved through incorporating plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetables along with whole grains into the diet. Drinking six to eight glasses of water each day can alleviate constipation and straining, which might prevent piles. Probiotics from supplements or foods such as yogurt can also be helpful.
An option to traditional medicine for piles is the use of herbs. Gotu kola, yarrow and goldenrod are sometimes prescribed by herbalists, but the medical community does not endorse them because of a lack of scientific evidence regarding their effectiveness. Witch hazel can be used as a sitz bath and might provide temporary relief of symptoms. A homeopathic doctor might prescribe a remedy after evaluating a person's complete physical and psychological constitution. The efficacy of such homeopathic remedies hasn't been adequately studied.
In addition to traditional and complimentary medicine for piles, certain lifestyle practices might be helpful. Straining in the process of passing stools should be avoided. Doctors don't advise the use of toilet paper that is dry or that has perfumes or dyes. Wet toilet paper or moist towelettes should be employed in cleaning the anal area. Daily showers are recommended, but the use of soap around the anus should be avoided.
Symptoms can often be alleviated through lifestyle modifications and home treatment. In cases where medicine for piles doesn't solve the problem, doctors might recommend surgery. One option is known as rubber band ligation, which involves removing the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. Another process is called sclerotherapy, which causes the pile to deflate following the injection of a chemical. If no other procedures are successful, a hemorroidectomy, which is the removal of the hemorrhoid, might be needed.