Medical technology degree programs are offered at college campuses, hospitals, and online. In fact, there are many different degrees that can be earned, such as a bachelor's degree in clinical or medical laboratory sciences. Aspiring medical technologists should note that despite the advent of distance learning, these programs still entail written work, as well as hands-on experience in the medical field.
Technologists normally earn a four year college degree to be considered for a position in a hospital or clinic. Students can specialize in clinical or medical laboratory science; some medical technology degree programs concentrate on bodily fluid analysis for clinical expertise, whereas medical science specialties can combine laboratory instrument proficiency with examining patient cell samples. Classes normally include the life sciences, as well as mathematics, which is needed for accurate data analysis.
It is possible to complete medical technology degree programs that offer a two year associate's degree, but these courses are normally supplemented with a mandatory internship. Since the future technologist will not have a four year degree, students earning a two year degree must prove their skills in a laboratory or hospital setting. The internship is commonly mentored by an experienced technologist to guide the student through the normal daily routine. In fact, many employers are looking for technologists who have a combination of education and real life experience as these employees will generally be the most skilled.
Some hospitals offer medical technology degree programs. Classes may be taught by practicing technologists, providing an up-to-date curriculum featuring currently used procedures and regulations. Students may complete courses in an adjoining conference room within the hospital; once they are prepared, they can conveniently visit the hospital's laboratories to get hands-on job experience. It is also possible to gain rapid employment through hospital medical technology degree programs since supervisors will see each person's work ethic and skill level during classes.
Increasingly, medical technology degree programs are also being offered online. Course choices are normally the same as classroom degree types; the student simply accesses them through a computer, rather than by attending the class in person. Data analysis and theory are easily conveyed across a computer screen, but many of these online degrees use hybrid class structures.
Hybrid classes consist of a computer accessible portion of the course, as well as an internship or laboratory experience to provide the hands-on background necessary to graduate. Students will conduct the same laboratory procedures as a typical college student. As a result, online classes offer the same curriculum for a larger employee pool within the technologist industry.