Market analysis books are typically put together by a third party intended for consumption by companies or other organizations. These books can provide market data or statistics for any use for which the business or individual needs. Different types of market analysis books include stock market books, metropolitan data books, and industry or trade outlook reviews. In many cases, government agencies or other state or federal groups put together the latter two. The books often have nominal charges associated with them if a company chooses to use the data.
Stock market books are often a wide group that analyzes different stock-picking techniques and the current state of the stock market. Multiple authors may present books that detail the different methods or studies necessary to properly pick stocks. Individuals are common users for these types of market analysis books, though corporate professionals are also users as well. International stock market books allow domestic investors to learn how foreign stock markets work and what methods are best for picking stocks. In some cases, these books provide historical data for looking at trends in the stock market.
Metropolitan market analysis books contain information on state and metropolitan areas. This information often includes basic and advanced demographics for a specific area or geographical location. Demographics can include the number of individuals, businesses, total population, population growth, and other regional data. Companies use this information to assess a potential group of customers in a specific area. Manufacturers may use the data to select locations for production plants as educated workers may also have representation in the metropolitan data book.
Industry and trade outlook market analysis books are a hybrid business and economic data book. The information here typically outlines the growth and expected outlook for a specific group of businesses. Companies use this information to structure their operations and define the strategic steps to grow market share. Trade analysis books may include information on international imports and exports. This allows a business to discover new markets for selling goods.
Other types of market analysis books are also available. These may contain information on conducting marketing research. Companies often need to look for books by educated individuals or other agencies for this information. Marketing research books allow a company to devise the best methods for reaching consumers and enticing them to purchase goods or services.