In addition to basic marine pay, service members might also be entitled to benefits, including monetary allowances for housing, food, and hazardous duty. They might also be entitled to life, dental, health, and prescription drug coverage. Soldiers could also be eligible for a discount on merchandise by shopping at a base exchange. A few countries pay marines an allowance for education. Some marine benefits may be transferable to the military member's spouse or children.
The amount of marine pay varies greatly from one country to the next. In most locations, the amount of pay depends on the service member's rank and number of years of service. There might also be provisions for those deployed to combat zones or separated from family members. Those who have dependents may receive additional money for housing and food.
Keeping a service member healthy is important to many governments. For this reason, marines are often allowed free or low-cost medical services on military bases. They might also be allowed to visit civilian doctors who have contracted with their branch of service to provide treatment. These marine benefits often include medications prescribed by a doctor.
Marine benefits could also include routine dental exams and cleanings. In the event a service member has a problem with her teeth, the benefits could be extended to include caps or fillings. Many countries make it mandatory for soldiers to have dental work completed before deploying to a combat region.
Troops can often save money by shopping at a base exchange for many of their needs. A reduction in or waiver of local sales tax sometimes accompanies this marine benefit. Some of the items a service member might be able to purchase this way include household goods, toiletries, clothing, sporting goods, and groceries.
Marines in some countries may be given an allowance to pay for college courses and textbooks. The soldier can often use these marine benefits while she is still serving. Other times, educational benefits can be used for a period of time after she has completed her contract, typically 10 to 15 years.
Marine benefits can sometimes be passed from the service member to a spouse or child. An example of this is education benefits, which may be transferred to a family member in exchange for an extension of the service member's contract. Base exchange and use of recreational facilities on a military post are other examples of benefits that can be assumed by family members.