For those looking to lose weight or simply cut down on the amount of fat in the diet, there are a number of low-fat dishes that can be healthy as well as delicious. These low-fat dishes are often heavy on the vegetables and whole grains, while lighter on fattier meats, sugary foods, or starches. The method by which foods are prepared can also contribute significantly to their fat content. For instance, foods that are roasted, grilled, or in some cases baked, are typically much lower in fat than those that are fried. Many less healthy dishes can also be modified to make them lower in fat with a few simple changes.
Dishes made with mixed vegetables are typically some of the best low-fat dishes available because they are nutritionally dense, filling, and easy to prepare with the addition of a few flavorful spices. Vegetables can be sauteed, roasted, grilled, or steamed -- all preparation methods that do not add much, if any, fat to the dish. If vegetables are sauteed in oil, experts generally recommend olive oil because it contains "healthy" unsaturated fats. Eating vegetables raw as in a salad is certainly another great way to make a low-fat dish, as long as the salad is not drenched in fatty dressing or cheese.
People who prefer to eat meat with their meals, there are still ways to prepare low-fat dishes. Certain meats are lower in fat than others, particularly chicken or turkey. Seafood can also be a great option for preparing a low-fat meal. Individuals who like to eat beef and who are also following a low-fat diet generally consume higher-grade cuts of beef such as steaks, and only do so in moderation. Red meat is very high in fat, and some people who are trying to follow a low-fat diet choose to avoid it altogether.
Whole grains and fruits are two other frequent components of low-fat dishes. Eating whole-grain pastas and breads is much healthier for the body than products made with white flour, since the white flour is converted to sugar, and eventually to fat in the bloodstream. Low-fat dishes can be prepared for dessert as well, such as apples baked in juice or cider with cinnamon and other spices, or simply a plain mixed fruit salad served with low-fat yogurt. There are many different recipes for low-fat dishes to be found online, but learning the basic principles of which foods are naturally low in fat, and more nutritionally dense, will make everyday meal preparation much easier.