There are many different types of learning disability games, some of which are explicitly designed to help children with learning disabilities improve in various areas. Games can also be designed so that they are easy and enjoyable for children with disabilities to play. Generally, all focused interactions are helpful for children with learning disabilities, for both social and intellectual reasons. Learning disability games can be a fun way for people with disabilities to practice skills outside of a traditional instructional format.
Many learning disability games aim to help people with learning disabilities to improve in a specific area. Focus games, counting games, and adding games can all be used to improve a specific skill. Some games can be changed to have an explicit educational focus, including spelling, recalling facts, or performing mathematical operations. Since many people with learning disabilities need additional practice in these areas, games can provide an alternative to other memorization techniques.
In certain cases, students with disabilities can learn valuable skills from common games marketed to children. Games that include spelling as a component, for example, can encourage vocabulary building and can be enjoyable to play as a family. Likewise, any game that includes dice will require basic counting skills. On a social level, turn-taking games are excellent at teaching patience and social skills.
Depending on what type of learning disability a person has, there may be a number of learning disability games designed specifically to help with problems common to that disability. For example, some companies manufacture games for children with attention deficit disorder, and games for people with dyslexia are also available. These games come in a number of formats and are typically appropriate to play with groups, although solitary versions may also exist.
Newer learning disability games occasionally take the form of computer or video games, which often have the benefit of being playable alone. Children may enjoy video games more than traditional board games because video games are almost exclusively viewed as entertainment rather than education. With these games, it is important to make sure that the child is actually learning with the game by monitoring for improvement.
It is also possible to create learning disability games from scratch or play games that do not require any pieces or tools. Games that require imagination can be just as good if not better than games played on a board. For example, word games and those that involve visualization or building on what other people have said can improve concentration as well as many mental skills. It is important to make sure that any games played with people who have learning disabilities are not too difficult so that the individual does not get too frustrated to continue.