Colleges and universities around the world offer law degree programs to undergraduate students. Since attorneys in many nations are well paid, law degree programs are often applied to more frequently. Consequently, law degree prerequisites are often tougher than the requirements for other degree programs. Typically, law degree prerequisites include a high school diploma with a high grade point average.
Some high schools offer programs in law that prepare students for college law degrees. In some instances, colleges only accept applications from prospective undergraduates who have successfully completed law courses while at high school. Many community colleges also offer law classes which can serve as law degree prerequisites. Aside from completing these classes, many law schools require students to have obtained certain minimum grades. When large numbers of applicants apply for entry to a degree program the students with the highest scores are given priority over students with inferior grades.
In some countries, applicants attempting to be admitted to leading colleges have to pass an entrance examination. This exam may test the applicant's knowledge of a variety of different topics, although some schools also require prospective students to pass a law exam. Students who achieve the highest grades on the examination are considered for admission assuming that they successfully complete high school with grades that meet or exceed the college's minimum standards.
Many colleges accept applications from international as well as domestic students. Foreign students often have to achieve higher scores than domestic students while at high school. Additionally, due to the complex nature of the classes, foreign students must have good second language skills if the degree program is to be taught in a language other than their native tongue. Some colleges require foreign students to pass a language assessment before being admitted to law degree programs. Rules in some nations prevent foreign citizens or non-residents from working as attorneys in which case law schools may only accept applications from domestic students.
Law degree prerequisites often include pre-law classes but many colleges also require students to have graduated from high school with better than average grades in other topics such as mathematics, science or languages. While these other topics do not directly relate to law programs, many universities look for students who have demonstrated an ability to excel in a variety of different classes. Laws in most nations are complex so law degree undergraduates must have the ability to process and retain large volumes of information.
Aside from undergraduate degrees, many colleges also offer advanced law degrees. Generally, postgraduate students must have successfully passed an undergraduate law degree although some schools accept students who completed degree programs in other topics. Minimum requirements for grade point averages are often higher for graduate schools than undergraduate programs.