Immune system enhancers are available in a wide variety of forms, from supplements and foods that provide vitamins and antioxidants to physical movement and exercise. A healthy diet that includes plenty of vegetables and fruits is a known immune system booster, as these items provide plenty of vitamin C. Relieving stress is another important point for helping boost the immune system, so using meditation or other relaxing therapies may be important for some people. These immune system enhancers have been shown to safely and effectively improve the health of an immune system by increasing the number of healthy white blood cells in the body.
Nutritionists often help patients improve immune function by addressing diet issues and food choices, as well as recommending certain supplements geared toward improving the immune system response. Avoiding sugar can enhance the immune system, as the act of ingesting this carbohydrate has been shown to decrease the function of the immune system. Among the other dietary immune system enhancers, making sure the body receives adequate intakes of vitamin C through foods or supplements is popular in nutrition and wellness circles. Probiotic supplements are also popular immune system enhancers, as some studies have indicated that a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system can benefit the immune system.
Depression has been shown to decrease the function of a healthy immune system, and most doctors suggest using some form of therapy to help alleviate stressful and depressive symptoms. Meditation and self-relaxation are popular natural techniques that may improve immune function in some individuals, as stress can decrease the number of immune system cells. Listening to soothing music that doesn't aggravate stress responses in the body has also been shown to enhance the immune system in some individuals. Adequate sleep also ensures that an immune system maintains healthy levels of white blood cells, which help attack bacteria and viruses.
One of the most important immune system enhancers that also plays a role in other health issues is exercise, specifically one that combines strength training with intense physical movement. Walking, running or jogging as well as yoga or weight lifting have been shown to help improve the immune system. Exercise can help an individual keep a healthy weight, which is also important in regulating a healthy immune system that fights off invading substances. It is important to note that over-exercising can cause an unnecessary amount of stress on the body, which can decrease the function of the immune system.