The different types of home care products can mainly be categorized into those for mobility, safety, monitoring and personal care. Personal care items include items such as a commode or diabetic stockings. Monitoring care products are devices such as a scale and thermometer as well as a blood pressure monitor. Grab bars and bathtub mats are examples of home safety care items, while wheelchairs and walkers are two types of popular mobility products.
Other types of mobility products include canes and raised toilet seats. A standard toilet seat may be too low for elderly people or others with mobility problems. A raised seat can be purchased separately and attached to the home toilet; some of these raised seats have grip bars on either side to make it easier for a person needing mobility home care products to use the bathroom. Some people may need to use a cane or wheelchair constantly in the home, while others may only require them occasionally. Typically, walkers are used by those with mobility problems to be able to get outdoors and get some exercise.
Stair lifts and wheelchair ramps are home mobility products that require installation. These major additions allow homeowners needing care to be able to access more of their house. Grab bars, such as those in a shower to help prevent slipping, also require installation. Other types of safety products don't need to be installed such as a rubber bathtub mat.
Popular home care products that allow for monitoring include a stethoscope, scale, blood pressure monitor, thermometer and glucose checker. Not all persons using home care products will need all the different types of monitoring. Doctors will advise patients which, if any, body vitals should be taken regularly and recorded. Most people do at least keep track of their weight by using a step-on scale.
Personal care items for home use may be specific to a certain condition such as diabetic socks or soft-grip utensils for arthritis sufferers. They may also be general home care products such as a commode to keep near the bed. People with low vision may use personal products such as a TV remote with large numbers or large-text playing cards.
Buying different types of home care products may be done online or in person through a company that carries health-related items. In addition to different products, some people needing at home care also choose special furniture such as hospital style beds. Sturdy tables and chairs are other types of commonly sold home care furniture.