Graphic design degree programs are often created and intended for students wishing to work as artists in advertising and other professional fields. Associate's degrees are quite common for this type of program, and usually require about two years to complete. There are also schools that offer bachelor's degrees for students interested in graphic design, and these programs can be available at art schools, technical colleges, and traditional universities. Graphic design degree programs can be offered in a specific focus or specialized field, such as website development or advertising, which may appeal to students interested in a particular career.
There are quite a few different types of schools that can offer graphic design degree programs, though they are typically tertiary education after high school. Art schools frequently have degree plans for students interested in working in this field, which can focus more on the artistic side of the industry. There are also technical and vocational schools that can offer these sorts of programs, though industrial design degrees may be more common from such institutions. Traditional colleges and universities can also have graphic design degree programs, which often strike a balance between artistic courses and classes in business and communications.
Many of these schools offer a curriculum that culminates in an associate's degree. This usually takes about two years to complete, though some schools may provide tracks that are slightly faster and only require about 18 months to finish. Graphic design degree programs at colleges and art schools can also culminate in a bachelor's degree. Such a curriculum usually takes about four years to complete and provides students with a solid foundation of knowledge and education, with a focus on design and artistic development.
There are also some graphic design degree programs that are intended for students interested in a specific area of work. A college might offer a bachelor's degree that has a focus on a certain type of curriculum, such as information design. This allows a student who is interested in creating images and artwork for use in a particular field to receive a degree that better qualifies him or her to do so.
Graphic design degree programs can also be offered in related fields, such as website development. This type of curriculum allows a student to take courses in general elements of design, while focusing on applications of these concepts in a slightly different field. Students who these programs can typically work in graphic design, but may be better prepared to find a career in a specialized application.