Forensic schools generally specialize in either computer forensics or criminal investigation technician degree programs. Depending on the school, several kinds of degree options are offered in each of these fields. These options range from certificates and two-year degrees to bachelor’s and graduate degrees. Some programs allow students to specialize for careers in areas such as medical examination, crime scene analysis or corporate computer crimes.
Many types of good forensic schools often are affiliated with a law enforcement agency. This is particularly true for computer forensics programs. Education programs in computer forensics are fairly new, and technology changes quickly. For these reasons, good forensics schools will seek input from law enforcement agencies to ensure that they are offering the most relevant coursework.
Training in how to testify in court should be included in programs at all types of forensics schools. Both computer and criminal forensics investigators often are called upon to testify in court. This involves being able to prepare and provide extremely detailed reports on how the evidence or data was collected. All of this information often must be explained in court by the investigator.
Schools that specialize in computer forensics can prepare students for careers in extracting data that is either stored or encrypted on computers, flash drives or other devices. This data often is sought by law enforcement officials who want to use it as evidence in criminal investigations. The types of cases can include everything from crimes against children to corporate crimes such as unlawful entry into computer data or systems.
Educational training for careers in the corporate arena should include how criminals and hackers unlawfully enter into corporate computer systems. This includes knowing how to identify a security breach and how to respond. Again, all of this information can be used in a court setting if a criminal or civil court case ensues.
Forensic schools specializing in forensic science investigations train students for careers as crime scene investigators, crime lab analysts and medical examiners, to name a few. The educational requirements for each of these can vary. Medical examiners, for example, typically have a medical degree.
In recent years, some crime-related television dramas have increased the visibility and popularity of careers in crime scene investigations. Forensic schools that specialize in training students for crime scene investigations often stress a background in biology and chemistry, along with a concentration in the area that a student plans to pursue. The options are many, and forensics schools can train students for virtually any kind of career that involves gathering information from a crime scene.