Financial aid for the disabled comes in many forms. This includes governmental programs focused on income support, education, housing, and meeting basic living expenses. Other programs help provide financial aid for the disabled to help cover utility bills and prescriptions drugs.
Disabled individuals must apply to receive government assistance and benefits. The application process often involves providing proof of the disability and meeting the criteria established by various government agencies, such as evaluation by a physician. Disabilities can take many forms, and include disabilities experienced since birth, those developed over a period of time, and those sustained through an injury on-the-job.
Income support programs help provide cash assistance so that the disabled can maintain an adequate quality of life. In some instances, income support may be provided to caregivers, including parents and social service agencies or long-term care facilities. Depending on the disability, some income support programs may allow and encourage part-time employment for continued social development.
Financial aid for the disabled also includes educational grants, scholarships, and support. Educational grants are typically funded through community resources and not by the government, though government financial aid programs are often open to all students without bias. These programs can help a disabled individual earn a college degree or complete trade-based training programs.
Government agencies and community groups offer housing assistance for those with a disability. This can include housing provided through rent assistance programs or special funding from charity organizations. Additional assistance is available to help provide comfortable and safe living conditions within group home environments or with a family member for disabled individuals who need constant care.
Meeting the basic needs of a disabled individual is at the heart of many of the programs related to providing financial aid for the disabled. This includes helping them afford food through the issuance of food stamps or enrollment in other food programs, such as meal delivery programs. Much like the help low-income individuals can receive, government agencies and community groups often help provide financial support to help alleviate the cost of electric bills and other utilities.
Disabled individuals also qualify for help with medical care and prescription drugs. This type of financial aid for the disabled is typically provided through government agencies. Assistance with medical care and prescription drugs allows disabled individuals to get the help they need for their disability and other medical conditions. Support may also be available for family members and children of disabled individuals.