The types of fair trade bags available vary in style, material, and the numerous different causes they are made to support. Just as with any other kind of bag, fair trade bags come in many sizes, shapes and styles. They are also made from many different types of material, some of which are unique to the area where the bag is made. Also, fair trade bags can be classified by the cause or area their sale benefits.
Fair trade bags can be found in a variety of styles including hobos, clutches, and shoulder bags, all of which can work well for everyday use. In addition, there are a variety of larger bags available such as tote bags, messenger bags, and beach bags. All of these styles are big enough to accommodate many items, and work well for weekend trips or to carry work or school supplies. Reusable shopping bags are also common. They are made to hold groceries, and some can fold up into a pouch for easy storage in a car or purse.
Not only do fair trade bags come in many styles, they are also made from many different materials. Some of these materials are quite different from those used for traditional bags because they are often specific to the region where they were created. Local artisans usually make these bags, and they use what they have readily available, which varies from place to place. Some of the bags available from India are made from old saris that would have otherwise been discarded and burned. There are also bags on the market made out of reused items such as rice and feed bags, seatbelts, and even tire tubes.
A fair trade bag is often produced in conjunction with a non-profit agency whose aim is to help a certain group of people. For example, women in a certain region may be given the supplies and training to make bags for an agency to help the women gain financial independence by having a craft. The bag bought from this agency subsequently benefits these women. It is possible to find the story behind many fair trade bags so that consumers will know who they are benefiting when they buy the bag as well as its unique handmade history.