Although the installation of renewable energy sources can be costly, there are residential energy grants to assist property owners with the expense. These grants are offered for different alternative energy types, including solar, wind, and geothermal. Which grants are available largely depends on the location of the property. They may consist of partial monetary rebates combined with incentives, tax exemptions, and utility credits, and in some areas, small energy grants are available to provide financial assistance for homeowners who want to implement energy efficient improvements. Often the utility company will provide a certified home evaluation with reimbursement for repairs and updates once they are completed.
If a homeowner wants to install photovoltaic panels to generate solar electricity, there are quite a few energy grants to investigate. These grants may cover materials and labor and, in some situations, reimburse owners for over half their expenditures. Some arrangements offer property owners the option of selling excess power so that consumers can see a return on their investment within a few years. Some consumers even manage to stand alone with alternative energy installations, living entirely free of the power grid and generating all of their own electricity without the need for utility companies.
Another type of grant to assist environmentally concerned homeowners provides funding to install geothermal energy. Since geothermal energy involves the drilling of deep wells on the property, it can be very costly. Geothermal wells can be used with high efficiency heating and cooling systems and for converting the geothremal energy to electricity. Some government grants are combined with low interest loans to assist consumers in obtaining this form of renewable energy. These grants are also given as tax credits or exemptions, varying by locale.
Wind energy grants are also available in some areas. Depending on where they live, homeowners can apply for grants to help subsidize the building, installation and maintenance of wind generators that produce electricity. These grants vary but may offer tax exemptions for installation costs or a fixed dollar amount returned as a rebate.
For the homeowner who wants to make home improvements, there are small-scale home performance energy grants. This grant is usually made available to a property owner after a home energy audit takes place. After the owner implements recommended changes, they are usually reimbursed for part or all of the expenses. This kind of home improvement project may include insulation, repairing cracks in exterior walls, roof work, and installing new windows.