Professional diving can be a lucrative and satisfying part time or full time job. It is usually possible to obtain all the necessary training through paid classes, but an internship is more cost effective and provides a better understanding of the role of a diving professional. Diving internships can vary in duration from two weeks to several months.
The first distinction that separates internships is whether or not the positions are paid. If paid, interns can receive anything from a small stipend to the equivalent of a full time salary. Although payment is a critical factor for many would-be interns, it isn't everything. Some internships provide additional training, free transportation and housing, off time, a better location, or other benefits that can offset the expense of participating in an unpaid internship.
Unpaid internships may also double as volunteer work. Diving is one of the best ways to gather information about underwater environments, many of which are the subject of environmental studies. Other volunteer internships include marine conservation projects.
In addition to aquatic research, diving internships can focus on several different topics. Underwater photography internships in exotic locations sometimes provide free training followed by paid underwater diving and photography work. In terms of professional development, diving instructor or rescue diving internships may be the most useful diving internships. These internships consist of several weeks of extensive training followed by testing and certification. Certified diving instructors can then go on to teach their own classes.
Another important factor that differentiates diving internships is location. Many internships are offered in exotic locations and can have high associated travel costs. Unless international travel is an intern's goal, it is usually much cheaper to look for offers within the same country. If accommodation and food are not provided by the diving internship, it is also important to compare the cost of living in different locations. For example, airfare costs to southern Florida and Hawaii in the United States may be similar, but Hawaii generally has a much higher cost of living.
People participate in diving internships for different reasons. Students might be looking for exciting summer work or a way to earn money while spending a gap year in a tropical country. Professionals often participate as a educational vacation or for career development reasons. Others participate because they would like to pursue a long term diving related career.