Distance learning training can be offered through conventional colleges, correspondence courses, and online schools. Each can be a useful option in some situations, so students should consider their area of study and local regulations before choosing the right school. Courses may also be available without having Internet access through a mail-in option with some schools.
One of the most widely known and oldest forms of distance learning training is the correspondence course. This can be offered through an actual school or by an individual who wants to teach about a particular subject. For instance, someone who is a good writer may offer an online or mail-in course on effective writing using materials she has written herself.
Some of these courses are legitimate and others are not. Potential students should check the accreditation of each school in order to determine if it is licensed and recommended by local educational departments. If it is not, another school should be considered. Students should also be sure any certification or licensing received will be good where he or she lives. For instance, training based in one area of a country may not count in another area of the same country.
There are also online colleges where students can get distance learning training. Again, these may or may not be beneficial to all students. Although they are gaining ground, some employers do not take a degree from an online college as seriously as one from a traditional school. Online schools are based solely online and they generally have instructors who correspond with students via email. Materials may be viewed online or conventional textbooks may be delivered.
Many distance learning training can be done through a conventional school that offers online classes. This allows students to combine distance learning with traditional classrooms, and instructors are often available on campus for students to discuss problems or get extra help. Students also have more resources available on campus, such as computer labs or libraries.
Conventional schools are also often held to a higher standard of learning than correspondence courses and even some online colleges. They are generally accredited nationally as well as locally, although students should still check to be sure. Some degree programs, such as those in the legal and medical fields, may require additional licensing on the local level.