Competency tools can be many things, including paper forms, software, or electronics that help manage competency. These tools help streamline the processes involved in getting a workforce up to speed on the skills and characteristics needed to efficiently perform in a position. Generally, competency tools help a worker by either defining, testing, or improving competencies required in a job. They are usually used in a company's human resources department. Competencies can be a variety of things, including physical characteristics, skills, and milestones.
Forms that function as competency tools might include competency frameworks, competency workshops, and competency tests. Competency frameworks are lists that define the competencies required within a position. Frameworks are vital competency tools because they are the basis upon which the workers' competency levels are evaluated. Competency assessments identify the competency levels of workers based on the requirements specified within the competency framework. These assessments are often compiled using competency tests.
Competency tests help determine whether a worker is meeting the necessary competencies and identify areas in which he needs to improve. Usually, competency workshops can be classes or seminars that teach worker competencies or refresh competency levels for required skills. In some cases, competency workshops can include competency tests that certify a worker who has completed the required course.
One widely used type of competency tool is competency software. Competency software can help a human resources worker manage or improve the competencies of the various workers within an organization. This type of software can assist in organizing competencies for each position and categorizing competency test results so they are easier for the human resources worker to use. Other types of competency software can offer training to employees who need to improve common competencies needed in the organization. Software competency tools can streamline competency management by reducing or eliminating the need for hands-on training from a human adviser.
Competency is a worker's proficiency in a designated skill needed in a position. In competency management, competencies are defined characteristics used to ensure that a worker meets the needs of a position. These characteristics can be workable skills that the employee needs to perform, but they can also be educational requirements or physical or emotional characteristics. Milestones can include accomplishments like education or experience. Educational milestones can be as simple as completing a course that covers skills needed within the position.
A human resources department is the part of a company that deals with issues pertaining to human employees. Generally, this department is responsible for all aspects of human management, including hiring, employee termination, and business communication. Business communications handled by a human resources department include messages from upper management, training, and requirements for employees.