Scientific studies have not been conducted on the safety or effectiveness of colloidal silver treatments. Despite this, some individuals use colloidal silver to help fight infections or cure diseases. Though there are few risks associated with consuming or coming into frequent contact with silver, some people can experience adverse effects. It is generally safer to use a colloidal preparation of silver topically than to consume it as an internal medication.
One of the most common colloidal silver treatments is as a topical antimicrobial. Patients who use colloidal silver for this purpose can pour the solution over a wound or scrape or soak a bandage in the liquid before applying it to the skin. Scientific studies have shown that silver can kill some germs especially if those germs are located on the outside of an organism, such as on the skin near an open wound. The potential antimicrobial effects of colloidal silver have not been well studied, however, and most medical practitioners consider modern antibiotics ointments to be more effective at preventing an infection.
It is also possible to use colloidal silver treatments for internal infections. Patients can drink the silver suspension in order to internalize the silver and benefit from its therapeutic effects. Though this is a commonly used homeopathic treatment and is a folk remedy in a few different cultures, most doctors do not recommend using any colloidal silver treatments that must be consumed. Silver cannot be effectively eliminated from the body and builds up over time, especially if it is eaten, which can lead to an unsightly bluing of the skin. It is also not considered as effective as modern antibiotics, which may be needed in order to bring moderate or serious infections under control.
Some patients will also take colloidal silver when battling cancer, viral infections, and other serious diseases. These types of colloidal silver treatments are entirely untested and could interfere with the effectiveness of some of the patient's other treatments. Before taking colloidal silver as an adjunct or primary treatment, a patient should discuss the use of silver with a physician.
Though most doctors do not recommend the regular use of colloidal silver, silver compounds and ions are commonly used to disinfect medical equipment. Bandages can also be treated with silver to give them some antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Colloidal silver treatments are not used for these purposes because of the lack of research on their effectiveness and the potential dangers of using silver in this form.