Bronchial treatment refers to remedies aimed at addressing problems that affect the bronchus — an airway that connects the windpipe and lungs. Those with respiratory illnesses may benefit from one of many different types of bronchial treatment, including prescription medication, inhalation therapy, surgery, homeopathic remedies and altering one's environment.
Some bronchial treatments are about stopping an activity rather than starting one. Smoking cessation, for example, is a common response to many respiratory problems. COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which includes two main conditions, emphysema and chronic obstructive bronchitis, is usually often caused or exacerbated by smoking. COPD sufferers that quit smoking often have reduced symptoms, slowing or even stopping the loss of lung function.
Another option among the different types of bronchial treatment are bronchodilators. Bronchodilators, such as albuterol, can help open the airways to make it easier to breathe. Bronchodilators can be short-acting, long-acting or both. They can be inhaled through a nebulizer or ingested in pill or syrup form. Bronchodilators are one of the most popular bronchial treatments because they are fast acting and have little side effects.
Steroids, specifically corticosteroids, are another type of bronchial treatment. These medications help asthma sufferers by reducing swelling and mucus production in the airways. Inhaled corticosteroids include brand names such as Pulmicort® and Flovent®. Pill form corticosteroid examples include Prednisone® and Dexamethasone®.
Bronchial thermoplasty is a newer kind of procedure that is used for people with severe asthma. The procedure reduces the amount of a type of muscle, called a smooth muscle, that contributes to the constriction of airways in asthma patients. A bronchoscope is inserted through the nose or mouth and radio frequency is used to reduce areas of the smooth muscle. A bronchial thermoplasty treatment takes less than one hour and a patient usually only needs three treatments.
In addition to therapies and medications, bronchial treatments can also include lifestyle changes such as avoiding allergens that exacerbate symptoms. Light exercise can also help asthma sufferers, however heavy exercising should be avoided. Breathing exercises can also help improve lung capacity, while healthy eating habits can also help the overall body's condition, including respiratory functioning.
Another way to treat bronchial problems is to move to a different city or region as some cities and areas are more ideal for those with respiratory problems. For example, areas with tight smoking laws, dry climates and low pollen levels are often better options.
Homeopathic remedies are yet another option for people with respiratory illnesses. These alternative therapies range from ipecac to arsenicum album to honey.