The medical term for bedwetting is nocturnal enuresis, which occurs when a person, typically a child, releases the flow of urine while sleeping. Under normal conditions, a child should be able to stop this habit approximately by the age of six. If bedwetting continues beyond this age, there might be an underlying medical reason for it, like a urinary tract infection or overactive kidneys. A doctor or specialist can help bedwetters determine if the issue is medical, or behavioral. If no underlying medical conditions exist, there are a variety of approaches to bedwetting cures, including lifestyle changes, bladder exercises and sleep alarms.
The most basic of the bedwetting cures, and possibly the most effective, is to cut off the intake of fluids two to three hours before bedtime. This allows for an empty bladder before a person goes to sleep. The diuretic effect of caffeine in soft drinks or chocolate can also be detrimental to regular urinary functions.
A small bladder may be to blame for bedwetting, and that is often the case for young children. The bladder can only hold a finite amount of liquid, and it can empty without waking a person. Throughout the day, a parent can attempt to increase the size of a child’s bladder by making them hold in urine when they feel the urge to go, but never more than a few minutes at a time. This exercise stretches the bladder and thus increases its size. Another exercise is to attempt to stop the flow of urine midstream, which helps strengthen bladder muscles. A pediatrician or specialist should be consulted first to determine if bladder stretching exercises are appropriate.
Sleep that is too deep can often cause bedwetting, so bedwetting cures often involve a change in diet and lifestyle. Sometimes a food allergy can cause a child to fall into such a deep sleep that the urge to go to the bathroom is suppressed. In other cases, a child may not be getting the recommended amount of sleep every night, and might be too tired to get up on nights when his or her body is trying to catch up on rest.
There are a variety of moisture alarms on the market which serve as bedwetting cures. These are usually pads on which a child sleeps or small devices attached to underwear. They detect the first sign of moisture and sound an alarm, which wakes a child or adult up in order to go to the bathroom. This process can also facilitate habit forming, allowing a body to adjust to the warning signs of a full bladder and possibly wake a person up naturally.
Regardless of the cause, a child should never be made to feel like the bedwetting is his or her fault. This increases anxiety in the child, which in turn may render typical bedwetting cures ineffective. In addition, ridiculing a child or doling out severe punishments may in turn lessen a child’s self-esteem and be counterproductive.