There are a variety of different ayurvedic products available to professional ayurvedic healers as well as the general public, including books, supplements, and treatments. These products are intended to be used for improved health and the treatment of illness with the guidance of a qualified professional. The ayurvedic system is thousands of years old and can be traced back to the Indian Hindu civilization. This medical system is based on individualized care for each patient and takes a holistic approach to caring for the patient. There is a growing trend among many people to seek out more holistic treatments that rely less on invasive procedures and chemically based medications and more on the ancient practices of ayurvedic care.
Many people are turning to ayurvedic books for an introduction into this form of health care, though more advanced options are available as well. These ayurvedic products offer a wide variety of information, and some were written to offer a general overview of the whole ayurvedic system, while others take one aspect of the practice and provide a great deal of information on that specific topic. When choosing an ayurvedic book, it is important that the consumer choose books written by qualified authors with experience and education in the field.
Supplements are among the most popular type of ayurvedic products, though many experts recommend only buying these products from, or on the advice of, an ayurvedic healer. These supplements are generally made from a combination of herbs and other natural substances. The herbal combinations are intended for the treatment of specific illnesses and disorders, and may be prescribed with complementing therapies to enhance healing. Herbal supplements can be bought retail but because ayurvedic care is so specialized to each patient, they are believed to be more effective when made specifically for a patient.
Some ayurvedic products are made as treatments and therapies for a variety of different body types and diseases. Oils, lotions, and even diet changes are often recommended for improved health and vitality. Patients and consumers can also add ayurvedic massage, facials, and other body energy services such as yoga classes and guided meditation, to enhance the healing benefits of ayurvedic medicine. It is believed that by combining the medicinal, mental, and physical aspects of ayurvedic practice the patient is more apt to heal from his ailments or illnesses. When choosing ayurvedic products, consumers are encouraged to be informed about their choices.