An advertising manager is a professional who is responsible for helping a business to get its message out to the public. Some of the most prevalent advertising management jobs are in marketing. Individuals who have creative sides tend to work in graphic design, helping businesses design effective logos, advertisements, and packaging. Advertising management jobs in media coordination often appeal to professionals who are great at communicating and negotiating. Advertising firms might hire consultants who meet with client businesses to discuss ideas and propose initial solutions.
Businesses either have in-house advertising departments or they hire third party advertising firms. The duties performed by advertising professionals depend largely on decisions made by executives and upper management, though executives often consult advertising professionals for advice concerning effective methods. Professionals who get advertising management jobs tend to have undergraduate degrees in marketing, graphic design, or even media studies. Many employers prefer to hire job candidates who have graduate degrees in these fields.
Individuals who have advertising management jobs in marketing departments might begin by observing research regarding the behaviors of consumers in certain demographics. For example, if a business is considering moving operations to a new city, management might hire marketing professionals to research and provide feedback about competitors in this region. They might help management decide how to break into a market and how to price services and items.
Creative advertising management jobs are incredibly important when it comes appealing to consumers. Whenever consumers are attracted to the colors or designs on a package, or are entertained by an advertisement, they are responding to work created by these advertising management professionals. Creative advertising professionals often take cues from marketing managers and executives who already have an idea of how they want an organization to be represented. It is the job of designers to bring these visions to life.
Once advertisers have created campaigns that create the proper messages and images, they need to get them out to the public. The best way to do this is often to use media such as television, radio, magazines, and the Internet. Individuals who have advertising management jobs in media coordination often communicate with professionals in ad sales from various media outlets. For instance, if marketers have determined that many potential clients read a certain magazine, a media coordinator might contact the sales department of this periodical to learn about options for the size and placement of advertisements.