Some of the best treatments for fungal infections include over-the-counter treatments, home remedies and prescription-strength antifungal medications. Different treatments may be used to effectively treat different types of infections, which may include athlete’s foot, a nail infection or a yeast infection. Treating a fungal infection may take time, as most require several days of treatment, while some even require treatment for several weeks to eradicate the infection.
Many over-the-counter remedies exist for the treatment of fungal infections. In the United States, some of these were once originally offered only by prescription. Frequent fungal infections coupled with public education on the treatment of these infections have prompted certain medications to be approved for purchase without a prescription. Such is particularly the case with several yeast infection treatments now commonly sold in American stores and pharmacies.
For centuries, some have treated fungal infections with home remedies. One such example includes applying apple cider vinegar to the site of an infection, which many claim is particularly effective in treating a nail or a toenail infection. Treating fungal infections in such a way is considered to be relatively safe, as such is not generally accompanied by any known side effects. This method can, however, take longer to produce the desired results than some other antifungal treatments.
Certain fungal infections must be treated quite aggressively to prevent the fungi from spreading. One such example of this may be severe cases of jock itch, which is sometimes characterized by a blistering rash and intense itching. In less severe cases, jock itch may improve by using over-the-counter treatments, but more severe cases require medial attention. Severe fungal infections like this are commonly treated with prescription-strength antifungal creams.
Fungal infections in people with weakened immune systems, particularly in individuals stricken with AIDS or HIV, are quite serious and can even be life-threatening. While most people recover from these types of infections without any lingering effects, left untreated, infections can lead to dangerous bacterial infections. Experts recommend that individuals suspecting a fungal infection and who also have a compromised immune system not try to self-treat the infection with over-the-counter treatments or home remedies. Health experts, instead, recommend that such individuals immediately seek the attention of a physician to reduce the chances of an infection worsening and to be sure it is properly treated and cured.